You have promoted this book in such a compelling way I feel like I can’t even call it “marketing”. Your genuine eagerness to help those who have suffered (and are suffering) with your words is so apparent. My copy arrives today and CAN’T WAIT.

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Yay! Welcome book into the world! I didn't even realize I preordered it, but there it was on my back stoop and I was trying to remember what I knew about it. Thanks for the rundown here! I am actually now super excited because I am working on a new book proposal for a book on theology of suffering, different than this one, but your hard work is groundwork for me. And y

Beyond that, I still struggle a lot with these distortions. I believe this book was written partially for me (amidst many, like the quotes you share. Thank you.

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Mine came last week! You look so happy in that picture, it’s lovely.

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Just bought my Kindle version and excited to read it! Love what you do ❤️

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I am excited to get my copy! (just ordered it). I'm encouraged by the reviews, because so far mine is a "He didn't" story, and yet, there's so much that's still good about it. Also thinking of a friend that might appreciate it when I'm done :) Congratulations!

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Eshet Chayil! Woman of Valor!

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I just requested it at the library in my new town! Cheering you on!!

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HAPPY LAUNCH DAY! I hope you get a chance to stop and take it all in 🤍

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I cannot wait to get my copy today! You did it, Kristen! It's here!

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the audiobook was so fantastic!! i’m excited for target to ship my physical preorder so i can lend it out to friends 🤍 congratulations kristen!!

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Happy Birthday to your first book baby! What an honor it has been to share your labor of love with others. This book is needed and I’m glad you were willing to put in the work to bring it into the world. Rejoicing with you today!

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So freakin' excited for you.

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