I felt my heart welling up for you while listening to that audio clip and seeing you embrace your family with the good news. I’m so glad your spirit gets to remember and sing this song of hope.

March had historically been “that month” for me too. But time and therapy and God have brought healing. I didn’t even realize it till much later that I met my husband on the date of a traumaversary. It was wild when I realized that. That date became so redeemed for me. 🥹

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What a gift!!

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This is stunning and it resonates so deeply. Wow. How redemptive God is! I've been following you on Instagram since Carlos shared about your story and it's been beautiful to see track your sightings of the Lord's fingerprints all over it. I needed to read this today, thank you.

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Glad you’re here!

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Kristen, this is beautifully written. You have put words to an experience that feels so abstract. Thank you for sharing with such honesty and grace and beauty.

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Thank you for your kind words!

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"The spirit holds onto the light and waits for the body to allow it to break through."

Tears reading this. Thank you, Kristen, for putting words to this experience.

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Kristen this brought me to tears. I have my own traumas in the past Januarys and Februarys and has my body has remembered I have deeply been struggling with my faith, "will I ever not feel this" thoughts, and all of the things you mentioned. Oh glory this was a balm to my spirit today! Thank you for sharing this

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Hope it gave you a little hope. 🤍🤍

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Didn't know I needed this this morning, but boy did I. Thank you for your words that breathe hope.

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Always. 🫶🏼

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Oh, I'm praying this is the case for some of my loved ones. I hope some of the good is remembered - the trauma and grief are still too fresh, but it gives me hope for someday.

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I hope the light breaks through for them sooner than expected.🤍

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This is gorgeous, Kristen, and I've found the same to be true in my life as well.

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Thank you. So grateful for the light.

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Kristen - you don't know how much of a blessing your writing as been to me over the last 5 years. Today, this is exactly what I needed.

I'm walking through a stage 4 breast cancer diagnosis and am currently in active treatment. There are many days that I feel like the tree in Jeremiah 14 - planted alone in a dry, salt desert, but trusting the Lord that there is water coming.

This line: "I knew it in the moment, but I lost it in the process. And that's ok. That's part of it." Spoke soul deep.

I'm also sharing my journey here on Substack -- maybe sometime you'll get to read one.

Anyway - I really admire you, your writing and this little corner of the internet. 🫶🏻

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Just subscribed!

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This is hopeful. Next week is my hig trauma anniversary in the middle of the horrible diagnosis/pregnancy/early birth/c-section/preclapsia/hemorraging, and a few more...but at three years..I spend time with my therapist today realizing I wasn't in total PTSD crazy mode and wondered if maybe if this year's anniversary I might finally be relaxed enough to grieve. It was surprising to realize that maybe my body won't just panic every anniversary forever...or at least not only panic. This is such a hopeful add-on to this--to realize that maybe I'll start noticing all the good too. Thank you for sharing your story.

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The body definitely keeps the score. I’m dealing with my own stuff this week, but I’m not even sure what my spirit does anymore. Sometimes, I think it’s gone.

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I’m a fellow March thru May trauma friend, and I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020, so surgery and treatment, most of it was alone, your story makes me feel less alone 🫶🏻. Thank you for sharing ✨

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This is so beautiful. Thank you. I commented earlier that I lost my 15 year old granddaughter to cancer a year and a half ago. I’ve been writing a memoir about it. It will be published at Easter! Fitting timing for the themes in my book of death and resurrection. I also talk about the body’s reaction to stress. And many many more things. I hope you will look for it. The title is For Those Who Grieve and Wonder. Blessings to you. I love your work.

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Oh I'd love to read it. I couldn't find it on amazon. Please share the link!

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You’re so sweet. It won’t be out until end of April. I’d be happy to send you the manuscript if you have time to read it. I wanted to title my book Even if He Doesn’t but that was taken. 💕.

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I have the time but I want to purchase! Please send me a link when it’s ready. :)

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I sure will! 💕💕💕

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