I'm reading this in a giant fluffy house robe so it feel like I'm a walking hurdle-durkle right now 😂. Can I beseech the comment section to give me good (caffeine free!) tea recs please? I'd love to find some new cozy drinks for the winter.

And I LOVED reading what Eilidh shared. Absolutely fascinating and charming. Thank you for letting us see a glimpse of your life!

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Is hot chocolate caffeine free? I have been drinking an exorbitant amount this winter. It feels like a hug in a cup. 🥰

I also enjoy black tea (decaf) lattes with raspberry syrup.

Oh and the tea spot (online) has incredible teas. I love their winter selection. ♥️

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You really should try Rasa mushroom “coffee!” You can get a sample pack to try before spending money on a big bag. But I liked it. Tastes very coffee-y.

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I have not been a tea drinker until recent years and my favorite tea is the Candy Cane Green tea from Trader Joe’s. It’s obviously seasonal so I buy a bunch when I make it there in the winter so it can last me all year. I also like a Rooibus tea. I decided when I started drinking tea that if I was going to choose tea over coffee I wanted it to be the kinds the at offer lots of health benefits. 😂 Rooibus apparently has even more antioxidants than green tea and is good for blood sugar balancing.

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Plum deluxe is my fav company for loose leaf tea! They have great decaf options and they even have a tea subscription that will send you new teas every month! My husband and I get a subscription every winter and it's one of my fav traditions 😍

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A think pod!!! That’s all I want for Christmas.

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I look forward to the Wintering emails every year and this year seems more appropriate than normal as I'm in my 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Thanks in advance for all the work that goes into the series!

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i hope you can hurkle-durkle to the very end and then for months after!

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It feels appropriate that I got this email while staying in bed for the morning 😂

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I think that’s confirmation that you should definitely stay there 😆

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I am reading this while hurkle-durkling - I should be up and about getting ready for work but I wanted a few more minutes of rest.

Would you believe I bought my wintering mug over the summer? I bought it with the intention of using it for wintering 🥰

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My husband and I were just telling the kids about the toys r us catalogs we in the mail got as kids! (and I promptly circled everything I wanted, knowing good and well I wouldn’t get any of them because we were povvos 😂)

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I LOVE to hurkle durkle. If I don't have anything planned, I stay in bed, read, fall back to sleep, listen to the radio...it's been my favorite thing for some time. NOW I know what to call it!

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Miss those catalogs so much!! 😅 here they have some in toy stores so I grab those.

Enjoyed Eilidh’s contributions! So neat!

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I’m also reading this in a comfortable robe! (Target for the win😁) I’ve been doing this Wintering series since the beginning, and this is a wonderful beginning post! I love the addition of guest writers. Eilidh has some savable quotes!😊

Also, as a former elementary school teacher, there is just no way I am getting another mug. I’ll enjoy all of yours though!😬😁🤣

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hahaa. Fair!!

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